18 Capital and reserves

18.1 Share capital

Wartość kapitału zakładowego

As at
As at
Value of share capital 120 000 120 000
Nominal value of series B shares 75 582 75 582
Nominal value of series C shares 124 995 124 995
Nominal value of series D shares 175 400 175 400
495 977 495 977

Number of shares

As at
As at
Number of shares at the beginning of the period 99 195 484 64 115 444
Share issue - 35 080 040
Number of shares at the end of the period 99 195 484 99 195 484
Nominal value of 1 share (PLN/share) 5 5

Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared, and are entitled to one vote per share at the General Meeting. All shares participate to the same extent in the net assets in case of liquidation.

Limitation of voting rights

As long as the State Treasury of Poland or its subsidiaries hold shares in the Parent Company carrying at least one fifth of the total voting rights, the other shareholders’ voting rights will be limited in such a manner that no shareholder may exercise at the General Meeting more than one fifth of total voting rights existing on the day of the General Meeting.

18.2 Share premium

As at
As at
Share issue 2 445 409 2 445 409
Share issue costs (-) (30 713) (30 713)
Tax 3 574 3 574
2 418 270 2 418 270

18.3 Fair value reserve

As at
As at
Revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets - 2 895
Income tax (-/+) - -549
Balance at the end of the period - 2 346

18.4 Dividends

In 2014, the Parent Company paid a dividend of PLN 19 839 thousand, i.e. PLN 0,20 per share (in 2013: PLN 148 793 thousand, i.e. PLN 1,50 per share).

18.5 Non-controlling Interests

The table on the following page summarises the information relating to each of the Group’s subsidiaries that has material non-controlling interests. The non-controlling interests and the attributable profit or loss and other comprehensive income include non-controlling interest in the Parent Company’s direct subsidiaries and their further subsidiaries.

Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty ZAKGrupa Azoty SIARKOPOLOther individually insignificant subsidiariesTotal
Non-controlling interest percentage 34,00% 4,02% 6,52% 15,00%
Non-current assets 1 379 416 2 699 333 1 133 103 309 139
Current assets 704 606 1 379 360 502 513 165 410
Non-current liabilities (291 738) (221 473) (150 469) (44 417)
Current liabilities (665 735) (592 421) (351 510) (32 477)
Net assets 1 126 549 3 264 799 1 133 637 397 655
Carrying amount of non-controlling interests 446 523 145 472 73 930 59 648 3 524 729 097
Revenue 2 412 443 3 654 580 2 060 378 257 122
Profit 69 083 165 672 77 555 1 122
Other comprehensive income 3 158 (5 329) (3 187) (4 257)
Total profit or loss and other comprehensive income 72 241 160 343 74 368 (3 135)
Profit allocated to non-controlling interests 21 510 6 421 5 077 168 529 33 705
Other comprehensive income allocated to non-controlling interests 2 959 -533 -208 -639 -65 1 514
Cash flows from operating activities 204 522 307 824 175 088 46 242
Cash flows from investing activities (197 383) (189 729) (120 115) (47 431)
Cash flows from financing activities (34 575) (225 670) (96 076) (15 236)
Total net cash flows (27 436) (107 575) (41 103) (16 425)
Dividends allocated to non-controlling interests 7 905 12 2 751 2 252 1 022 13 942
31 December 2013* restated
Non-controlling interest percentage 34,00% 4,02% 6,52% 15,00%
Non-current assets 1 268 607 2 686 128 1 098 691 308 655
Current assets 705 769 1 460 599 569 106 171 348
Non-current liabilities (276 805) (258 131) (173 371) (39 523)
Current liabilities (620 013) (784 128) (392 967) (24 675)
Net assets 1 077 558 3 104 468 1 101 459 415 805
Carrying amount of non-controlling interests 429 959 139 596 71 812 62 371 4 082 707 820
Revenue 2 464 359 3 597 009 2 079 483 25 240
Profit/(loss) 42 273 149 706 77 855 (13 045)
Other comprehensive income (5 382) 2 202 -740 329
Total profit or loss and other comprehensive income 36 891 151 908 77 115 (12 716)
Profit /(loss) allocated to non-controlling interests 13 106 14 267 5 382 (1 957) 1 021 31 819
Other comprehensive income allocated to non-controlling interests (5 606) 340 -48 49 -12 (5 277)
Cash flows from operating activities 219 758 552 433 140 339 (6 558)
Cash flows from investing activities (158 048) (387 283) (113 390) (24 805)
Cash flows from financing activities (29 168) (3 222) (15 807) -
Total net cash flows 32 542 161 928 11 142 (31 363)
Dividends allocated to non-controlling interests 17 277 8 025 4 127 - 576 30 005
* Financial information restated due to completion of acquisition accounting of African Investment Group S.A., as presented in point 1.2.1 in the Notes.