Consolidated statement of financial position

NoteAs at
As at
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 10 5 966 287 5 780 924
Investment property 11 54 968 53 374
Intangible assets 12 510 415 519 631
Goodwill 12.1 12 600 11 617
Investments in subordinated entities 13.1 110 842 128 944
Available-for-sale financial assets 13.2 12 371 23 989
Other financial assets 13.4 19 054 53
Non-current receivables 16 2 932 3 408
Deferred tax assets 7.4 86 941 103 540
Other non-current assets 14 4 675 4 462
 Total non-current assets 6 781 085 6 629 942
Current assets
Inventories 15 1 347 826 1 165 507
Other financial assets 13.2 13.4 68 484 106 822
Current tax assets 6 720 40 558
Trade and other receivables 16 1 161 389 1 273 112
Cash and cash equivalents 17 558 603 713 024
Other current assets 14 24 118 21 016
Assets held for sale 10.1 107 792
Total current assets 3 167 247 3 320 831
Total assets 9 948 332 9 950 773

* Financial information restated due to completion of acquisition accounting of African Investment Group S.A., as presented in point 1.2.1 in the Notes.

NoteAs at
As at
Equity and liabilities
Share capital 18.1 495 977 495 977
Share premium 18.2 2 418 270 2 418 270
Fair value reserve 18.3 - 2 346
Translation reserve 1 403 (3 681)
Retained earnings, including: 2 843 389 2 649 822
Profit for the year 231 350 676 948
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company 5 759 039 5 562 734
Non-controlling interests 729 097 707 820
Total equity 6 488 136 6 270 554
Loans 19 476 932 634 693
Employee benefits 20 312 419 254 613
Other non-current payables 23 1 498 61 821
Provisions 21 113 106 119 343
Government grants 22 39 993 24 906
Deferred tax liabilities 7.4 231 692 284 068
Other financial liabilities 24 20 205 22 513
Total non-current liabilities 1 195 845 1 401 957
Loans 19 509 259 604 140
Employee benefits 20 30 494 34 008
Current tax liabilities 2 934 4 903
Trade and other payables 23 1 425 553 1 313 547
Provisions 21 211 432 213 839
Government grants 22 2 982 2 936
Deferred income 25 2 322 25 921
Other financial liabilities 24 79 375 78 968
Total current liabilities 2 264 351 2 278 262
Total liabilities 3 460 196 3 680 219
Total equity and liabilities 9 948 332 9 950 773