15. Inventories

As at 31.12.2014As at 31.12.2013*
Finished goods 324 629 377 475
Semi-finished products, work in progress 205 728 186 952
Raw materials 602 274 458 235
Merchandises 9 473 29 688
Emission rights 190 840 91 558
Certificates of origin of energy 10 569 3 677
Advances paid 4 313 17 922
Total inventory, including: 1 347 826 1 165 507
Carrying amount of inventories at net realisable value 34 606 31 318
Carrying amount of inventories securing liabilities 109 141 115 768

* Financial information restated due to completion of acquisition accounting of African Investment Group S.A., as presented in point 1.2.1 in the Notes.

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014As at 31.12.2013* restated
Raw materials and energy used 6 259 092 6 627 542
Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (+/-) 19 821 87 242
Amount of inventories recognised as an expense in the period 6 278 913 6 714 784

* Financial information restated due to completion of acquisition accounting of African Investment Group S.A., as presented in point 1.2.1 in the Notes.

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Write-downs recognised as an expense in the period 72 654 85 704
Write-downs used/reversed in the period (68 891) (65 496)
3 763 20 208

as at 31.12.2014as at 31.12.2013
Inventories write-downs 45 163 41 400

Inventories write downs recognised in 2014 relate to finished goods, semi-finished products and raw materials for which cost exceeds net realisable value or which are held on stock for more than one year. Changes in write downs resulted from sale, use or liquidation of particular items and are included in the statement of profit or loss as cost of sales. 

15.1. CO2 emission rights

CO2 emission rights owned (number of units)For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Balance at the beginning of the period (units owned) 3 989 933 2 437 568
Redeemed (7 943 092) (2 538 115)
Allocated 9 999 186 -
Acquired 2 836 147 2 192 335
Acquisitions through business combinations - 1 898 145
Balance at the end of the period (units owned) 8 882 174 3 989 933
Recognised as receivable - 5 031 905
Balance at the end of the period (units owned and recognised as receivable) 8 882 174 9 021 838
Emission in the reporting period 7 851 644 7 948 369