13. Financial assets

13.1 Investments in subordinated entities

As at 31.12.2014As at 31.12.2013
Investments in associates 106 407 121 575
Investments in other unconsolidated entities 4 435 7 369
110 842 128 944
Non-current 110 842 128 944
110 842 128 944

Movement in subordinated entities

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Carrying amount at the beginning of the period 128 944 80 132
Additions, including: 2 762 50 290
Purchases of shares 10 86
Acquisitions through business combinations - 45 077
Reclassifications - 20
Other additions 2 752 5 107
Deductions, including:(-) (20 864) (1 478)
Disposals, liquidation (2 673) -
Deductions due to business combinations (15 961) -
Impairment loss (1 045) (1 478)
Other deductions (1 185) -
Carrying amount at the end of the period 110 842 128 944

The Group holds shares in 7 individually insignificant associates, accounted for using the equity method.

The Group’s share of profit in its equity-accounted investees amounted to PLN 13 940 thousand
(2013: PLN 12 361 
thousand) and in other comprehensive income to PLN 0 thousand (2013 PLN: 0 thousand). In 2014, the Group received dividends from the equity accounted investees of PLN 11 153 thousand (2013: PLN 9 154 thousand).

13.2. Available-for-sale financial assets

As at 31.12.2014As at 31.12.2013
Shares in other entities 12 371 31 532
Other - 1 967
12 371 33 499
Non-current 12 371 23 989
Current - 9 510
12 371 33 499

Movement in available-for-sale financial assets

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Carrying amount at the beginning of the period 33 499 283 202
Additions, including: 22 21 109
Purchases - -
Acquisitions through business combinations - 17 330
Reversal of impairment loss 22 -
Remeasurement to fair value - 2 945
Other addition - 834
Deductions, including: (-) (21 150) (270 812)
Sales, liquidation (20 297) (50)
Reclassification to subsidiaries - (251 915)
Reclassification to associates - (20)
Impairment loss (458) -
Remeasurement to fair value - (18 696)
Other (395) (131)
Carrying amount at the end of the period 12 371 33 499

13.3. Impairment of investments

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Balance at the beginning of the period 18 928 16 863
Reversal of impairment loss in other entities -65 -500
Recognition of impairment in unconsolidated subsidiaries 458 2 565
Balance at the end of the period 19 321 18 928

13.4. Other financial assets

As at 31.12.2014As at 31.12.2013
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 3 873 782
Loans 1 396 640
Bank deposits for over 3 months 81 359 95 943
Other 910 -
87 538 97 365
Non-current 19 054 53
Current 68 484 97 312
87 538 97 365