16. Trade and other receivables

As at
As at
Trade receivables - related parties 167 1 372
Trade receivables - other parties 830 977 830 863
Tax receivables other than current tax assets 303 808 317 546
Construction contracts in progress - related parties 1 070 3 165
Construction contracts in progress - other parties 1 163 1 207
Advances paid - other parties 9 104 5 814
Other receivables - related parties 2 7
Other receivables - other parties 18 030 116 546
1 164 321 1 276 520
Non-current 2 932 3 408
Current 1 161 389 1 273 112
1 164 321 1 276 520

Impairment losses

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Balance at the beginning of the period 78 665 21 291
Additions, including: 11 781 67 602
Impairment loss on trade receivables - related parties 10 -
Impairment loss on trade receivables - other parties 6 024 20 587
Impairment loss on other receivables - related parties 21 56
Impairment loss on other receivables - other parties 5 705 430
Assumed in business combinations 21 46 529
Deductions, including: (-) (16 122) (10 228)
Trade receivables written off - other parties (10 751) (2 570)
Other receivables written off - related parties (31) (304)
Trade receivables impairment loss reversed - related (172) (187)
Trade receivables impairment loss reversed - other parties (3 904) (6 775)
Other receivables impairment loss reversed - other parties (1 264) (392)
Balance at the end of the period 74 324 78 665
Non-current 3 622 1 309
Current 70 702 77 356
74 324 78 665

Not impaired trade receivables ageing

As at
As at
Not past due 710 967 744 053
Past due to 60 days 99 008 82 541
Past due 60-180 days 19 953 4 863
Past due 180-360 days 397 357
Past due more than 360 days 819 421
831 144 832 235

Impaired trade and other receivables ageing structure

As at
As at
Not past due 2 938 4 879
Past due to 60 days 2 255 672
Past due 60-180 days 1 572 986
Past due 180-360 days 2 809 13 451
Past due more than 360 days 64 750 58 677
74 324 78 665

Receivables currency structure

As at
As at
PLN 643 245 674 663
EUR translated to PLN 323 859 418 007
USD translated to PLN 166 425 179 834
XOF translated to PLN 30 104 -
Other 688 4 016
1 164 321 1 276 520
Non-current 2 932 3 408
Current 1 161 389 1 273 112
1 164 321 1 276 520

Impairment losses on receivables were recognised as it was probable they would not be collectible. Changes to impairment losses of trade receivables (reversals) are recognised in the statement of profit or loss as other income or expense (receivable principal) and finance income or expense (accrued interest).

Both trade and tax receivables do not bear interest.

Trade receivables in the amount of PLN 13 776 thousand (31 December 2013: PLN 60 000 thousand) secured the Group’s loans.