20. Employee benefits

As at
As at
Liability for pension benefits 104 056 82 549
Liability for jubilee benefits 199 328 173 594
Liability for Social Fund benefits for pensioners 14 290 11 346
Other liabilities 25 239 21 132
342 913 288 621
Non-current 312 419 254 613
Current 30 494 34 008
342 913 288 621

Changes in defined benefit obligation

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Balance at the beginning of the period 115 027 61 783
Current service costs (+) 5 268 4 612
Interest costs (+) 4 597 4 704
Remeasurement of defined benefit plan liabilities, resulting from: 23 542 4 032
- changes in demographic estimates (+/-) 5 538 1 904
- changes in financial assumptions (+/-) 18 004 2 128
Past service costs(+/-) 1 779 -901
Effect of movements in exchange rates (+/-) 2 -
Benefits paid (-) (6 630) (4 841)
Assumed in business combinations - 45 638
Balance at the end of the period 143 585 115 027

Changes in other long-term benefit obligation

For the period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014For the period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
Balance at the beginning of the period 173 594 91 821
Current service costs (+) 8 802 9 166
Interest costs (+) 6 942 7 340
Actuarial gains or losses recognised in profit or loss for the period (+/-) 27 697 4 826
Past service costs(+/-) - (2 203)
Effect of movements in exchange rates (+/-) - 10
Benefits paid (-) (17 707) (17 963)
Assumed in business combinations - 80 597
Balance at the end of the period 199 328 173 594

Actuarial assumptions

As at
As at
Discount rate % 3,00% 4,50%
Future minimum wage increases 4,00% 4,00%
Future average salary increases 3,00% 3,00%