Grupa Azoty ZAK Group

Major projects in 2014 included:

  • Stage 1 of construction of a new CHP Plant,
  • Upgrade of waste treatment facilities,
  • Replacement of a LaMont boiler at the TK IV nitric acid unit,
  • Launch of continuous production of OXOPLAST® OT,
  • Replacement of the interior of the R-1001 ammonia synthesis reactor. 

The ‘New CHP Plant at Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A.’ project was undertaken to replace the plant’s electricity and heat generation capacity, increase its output to satisfy demand for electricity and heat, and implement solutions that ensure compliance with the growing environmental requirements.

The project has progressed according to schedule.

This stage of the project is expected to be completed in 2016.

The project’s budget is PLN 375,059 thousand. Expenditure incurred totalled PLN 65,549 thousand, of which PLN 61,353 thousand was spent in 2014.

The upgrade of waste treatment facilities was undertaken to increase work efficiency, reduce ardous working conditions and improve occupational health and safety.

The project’s budget was PLN 6,580 thousand. The project was completed and waste treatment facilities were placed in service.

Expenditure incurred totalled PLN 6,243 thousand, of which PLN 841 thousand was spent in 2014.

The replacement of a LaMont boiler at the TK IV nitric acid unit was undertaken to improve operational stability and ensure continuity of nitric acid production at the TK IV unit by replacing the boiler, ammonia oxidisation installation and piping.

The project’s budget was PLN 7,014 thousand. The project was completed and the boiler was placed in service.

Expenditure incurred totalled PLN 6,993 thousand, of which PLN 3,963 thousand was spent in 2014.

Launch of continuous production of OXOPLAST® OT – the project involves construction of an OT terephthalate unit with an annual capacity of 50 thousand tonnes.

The project’s budget is PLN 42,300 thousand. Expenditure incurred so far is PLN 30,627 thousand, of which 28,591 thousand was spent in 2014.

The project has progressed according to schedule. The technical acceptance procedure was completed and the unit was approved for process start-up. Completion of the project is planned for 2015.

Replacement of the interior of the R-1001 ammonia synthesis reactor – the project was undertaken to increase ammonia production capacity, reduce pressure at the synthesis loop and minimise the risk of failures.

The project’s budget is PLN 18,500 thousand. Expenditure incurred in 2014 was PLN 3,974 thousand. Completion of the project is planned for 2015.