Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL [1]
Major projects in 2014 included:
- Construction of sulfur pelletizing unit with Sandvik belts;
- Production wells with productive lives longer than one year – 25 wells.
Construction of sulfur pelletizing unit – the project will allow the company to manufacture a new product – dewatered sulfur pellets.
The project’s budget is PLN 35,000 thousand. The project has progressed according to schedule. Final completion of the project is planned for 2015.
Expenditure incurred so far is PLN 16,847 thousand, of which PLN 7,206 thousand was spent in 2014.
Production wells with productive lives longer than one year will make it possible to produce sulfur from deposits.
The project’s budget is PLN 24,750 thousand. The project has progressed according to schedule. Final completion of the project is planned for 2018.
Expenditure incurred so far is PLN 7,441 thousand, of which PLN 4,704 thousand was spent in 2014.