holdings of Parent shares by supervisory and management personnel

Number and par value of shares as at the date of issue of this Report:

  • 24,000,000 Series AA shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share,
  • 15,116,421 Series B shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share,
  • 24,999,023 Series C shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share,
  • 35,080,040 Series D shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share.

The total number of Parent shares is 99,195,484 bearer shares (ISIN code PLZATRM00012). 

As at the date of this Report, none of the Management Board members held any shares in the Parent.

Parent shares held by its supervisory personnel

Number of shares/voting rights
na dzień Jan 1 2014na dzień Dec 31 2014as at/th> Mar 10 2015
Tomasz Klikowicz 190 190 190

The Parent’s other supervisory personnel did not hold any Parent shares as at December 31st 2014 and as at the date of this Report.

Shares held by the Parent’s supervisory personnel in its related parties as at March 10th 2015

Member of the Management BoardRelated partyNumber of sharesPar value
Krzysztof Jałosiński Grupa Azoty POLICE 1 000 PLN 10
Marek Kapłucha Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY 2 PLN 10

As at the date of this Report, none of the Parent’s supervisory personnel held any shares in its related parties.